Sennheiser Blackfire 531
1990 - Microphone
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How do you felt?
0 Happy -
0 Astonished -
0 Sadness -
0 Laughter
Sennheiser Blackfire 531
- Microphone
Dynamic microphone, supercardioid.
Frequency range: 40 Hz to 16 kHz
Sensitivity: 1.4 mV/Pa
Impedance: 250 Ω
Connector XLR male 3pin (balanced)
The Black Fire (BF) series was introduced by Sennheiser in the 1990s.
The BF 531 is considered the Black Fire version of the MD 431.
In 1945, Fritz Sennheiser founded the company Laboratorium Wennebostel, Labor W, in Germany; in 1958, Labor W became Sennheiser Electronic.
Frequency range: 40 Hz to 16 kHz
Sensitivity: 1.4 mV/Pa
Impedance: 250 Ω
Connector XLR male 3pin (balanced)
The Black Fire (BF) series was introduced by Sennheiser in the 1990s.
The BF 531 is considered the Black Fire version of the MD 431.
In 1945, Fritz Sennheiser founded the company Laboratorium Wennebostel, Labor W, in Germany; in 1958, Labor W became Sennheiser Electronic.
Also in 1990
- 1 of July - German reunification: East Germany accepts the Deutsche Mark as its currency, thus uniting the economies of East and West Germany.
- 31 of January - The first McDonald's in the Soviet Union opens in Moscow.
- 24 of January - Japan launches Hiten, the country's first lunar probe, the first robotic lunar probe since the Soviet Union's Luna 24 in 1976, and the first lunar probe launched by a country other than Soviet Union or the United States.
Maria João Pires
1957 - Photo
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Cartão de Teste
1970 - Chart Test
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Schneider Kreuznach
1957 - Lens
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1950 - Light Projector
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Abekas A53D
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Admiral Imperial C21E14
1959 - Television Receiver
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1970 - Telephone
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Aga TV21SS60
1964 - Television Receiver
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Aiwa HHB 1 PRO
1991 - Tape Recorders
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Akai VS - 303 EG
1986 - Video Recorder
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1958 - Microphone
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