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The Transistor In 1948, three American researchers at Bell Labs, John Bardeen, Walter Houser Brattain and William Bradford Shockley demonstrate the transistor effect.

The use of the transistor, instead of the thermionic valve, as an amplifier element, translated into a cheaper and smaller equipment that required much less energy to operate, more resistant to shocks, it worked instantly because there were no filaments to heat.
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The transistorized radio receiver was, for a long time, synonymous for transistor, the first "transistor" radio was a truly revolution, it could be carried anywhere and at a much cheaper price, so it was now accessible for many more people.


In 1959, Sony adaptes the transistor technology, already used in radio receivers, and launched the first fully transistorized TV, the TV-8-301, in May 1960.

The use of transistors in television receivers, instead of valves, in addition to the drastic reduction in prices, also led to the miniaturization of equipments, this revolution, which started with radio receivers, quickly extended to televisions and all electronic components.