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1819 see more
1821 see more
1825 <p>Georg Simon Ohm</p> see more
<p>Georg Simon Ohm</p> <p>George Simon Ohm (1789-1854), German physicist and mathematician, formulated the first mathematical theory of electrical conduction in circuits. He proposed the relationship R=V/I which became known as Ohm’s Law and states that a circuit with a resistance of 10hm submitted to a current of I volt equals 1 ampere.</p>
1831 <p>Michael Faraday</p> see more
<p>Michael Faraday</p> <p>Michael Faraday (1791-1867) British physicist and chemist, who dedicated his research life to electromagnetic induction, discovered that it was possible to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. His theoretical conceptions, among which those dealing with lines of force, served as the basis for Maxwell’s work and the establishment of a modern theory of electromagnetic waves. A pioneer in the field of electricity, he invented the electrical motor, transformer and generator.</p>
1835 Samuel Morse see more
Samuel Morse Samuel Morse (1791-1872)
American inventor of the Morse code and the telegraph (1835), the first equipment that allowed long-distance communication through wire and electricity.

In 1864 Morse transmitted the first public message using the telegraph and demonstrated how the telegraph was capable of sending rapid signals over great distances.
1840 1840 Highlights see more
1840 Highlights Faraday formulates the theory of electro-magnetic induction which establishes the relationship between electricity and magnetism.
1842 Alexander Bain see more
Alexander Bain Alexander Bain`s invention of electro-chemical telegraphic recordings and the establishment of the principles of facsimile recording.
1844 1844 Highlights see more
1844 Highlights Samuel Morse (USA) transmits the 1st telegraphic message on 24th May from Washington DC to Baltimore, Maryland. The event was immortalized in the phrase ``What God hath wrought´´.
1851 Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff see more
Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff German mechanic and electrician, the man who invented the Ruhmkorff Coil, a device which transforms low tension batteries to high.
1853 Lord Kelvin (Scotland) see more
Lord Kelvin (Scotland) Kelvin publishes an article concerning the mathematical analysis of the electric current transistor which explains the oscillatory nature of Leyden jars.

Lord Kelvin (William Thompson) named the resulting electro-dynamic capacity which would later be known as inductance. (Bravo 1999).
1857 Heinrich Geissler (Germany) see more
Heinrich Geissler (Germany) Demonstrated the effect of high voltage gas in a partial vacuum, leading to the invention of the Geissler Tube.
1858 1858 Highlights see more
1858 Highlights The launch of the first Transatlantic cable which established a link between North America and England. The cable had limited capacity (capable of transporting only two words a minute) and ceased to function after only a few weeks. The first successful cable was launched in 1866.
1864 James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) see more
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) Scottish physicist, philosopher and mathematician, who dedicated his research to electrical and magnetic phenomena in an attempt to identify the ether, through which it was believed light and heat permeated the universe. His works ``Dynamic Theory of Electromagnetic Fields´´ and the ``A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism´ prepared the road for the invention of the radio.
1873 Joseph May (Ireland) see more
Joseph May (Ireland) Joseph May was the discoverer of the photo-electric effect. When selenium bars were left in sunlight he noted variations in their electrical resistance which could be transformed into electronic signals.
1875 Georges Carey (USA) see more
Georges Carey (USA) George Carey proposed a system on the simultaneous use of each point of an image. A large number of photoelectric cells were placed on a panel in front of an image to be transmitted, and then linked to another panel filled with an equal number of lamps.
1876 Alexander Graham Bell (USA) see more
Alexander Graham Bell (USA) Alexander Graham Bell granted an American patent for the telephone, which was presented to the public at the USA Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia.

Thomas Alva Edison (USA), Elihu Thomson (USA) and Silvanus P. Thomson (England) describe experiments with light flashes.
1877 1877 Highlights see more
1877 Highlights On 21st November,Thomas Edison invents the Phonograph, the first system of recording and reproducing sound. The device, fully mechanical, allowed to record sonds.

Thomas Edison work also contributed towards the development of the telegraph, the telephone, the mimeograph, the typewriter, the film camera and the electric train.
1877 Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1913) see more
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1913) American inventor and businessman. Among his many inventions, which contributed to the development of science and technology, are the incandescent electrical lamp, the gramophone, the phonograph, the cine-scope, or cineto-scope, the dicta-phone and the carbon granule microphone for telephones.

His work also contributed towards the development of the telegraph, the telephone, the mimeograph, the typewriter, the film camera and the electric train.
1878 Adriano de Paiva (1847-1907) see more
Adriano de Paiva (1847-1907) Portuguese scientist and teacher considered the precursor of the idea of television, he studied the possibility of transmitting animated images at distance. The idea was original because he was the first to propose the use of selenium in the development of what came to be known as a telescopic system.
1878 William Crookes (England) see more
William Crookes (England) Demonstrated the physical and chemical nature of cathode rays (bundles of particles produced by a negative electrode, the cathode, in a compressed gas tube).
1878 David Edward Hughes (USA) see more
David Edward Hughes (USA) Inventor of the carbon microphone made from 3 carbon pieces, he contributed to the development of the telephone, the printed telegraph and the induction balance. He demonstrated the transmission of signals over short distances. His detection system was the precursor to Coesor, and consisted of a steel needle and a block of carbon which produced circular electromagnetic waves on contact, resulting in the production of a conductor.
1880 Jacques e Pièrre Curie (France) see more
Jacques e Pièrre Curie (France) Showed that potential electric current is generated when quartz crystals are compressed, piezo-electricity or the piezo-electric effect.
1881 Constantin Senlecq (France) see more
Constantin Senlecq (France) Proposed an image transmission system identical to that of George Carey`s, which constitutes the basis of modern television.
Two rotating switches between a panel of cells and one of lamps turned in the same direction at the same speed, switching on a cell along with its corresponding lamp, and simultaneously transmitting all points of an image using only a single wire between panels.
1883 1883 Highlights see more
1883 Highlights Thomas Alva Edison (USA) patents the Edison Valve, the precursor to the radio valve and made from an incandescent lamp with interior metal plaque held around a filament. Discovered the Thermionic, or Edison Effect, demonstrated the formation of a weak electric current between a heated filament and a metal plaque in a partial vacuum.
1884 Paul Julius Gottlieb Nipkow (Poland) see more
Paul Julius Gottlieb Nipkow (Poland) Engineer and inventor, television pioneer known for having invented the Nipkow Disc in 1884, the first mechanical television system which consisted of a disc with equidistant orifices in spiral pattern that allowed the formation of images.
1884 Calzecchi-Onesti (Italy) see more
Calzecchi-Onesti (Italy) Developed the first experiments with the vacuum tube which resulted in the establishment of scientific principles of cohesion.
1887 Nicola Tesla (1856-1943) see more
Nicola Tesla (1856-1943) Croatian engineer and naturalized American worked with Edison and later in the offices of Westinghouse, was the inventor of the induction motor (1887) which worked with alternating currents (AC).

Took Marconi to court claiming to have been the first to invent the radio. The verdict was given in 1943 by the Supreme Court, ruled in favor of Tesla and withdrew Marconi`s patent.
1887 Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (1857-1894) see more
Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (1857-1894) German physicist who demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic radiation created emitters and detectors of radio wave. In 1888 he constructed the induction coil, a device capable of producing and generating electromagnetic waves, the precursor of wireless telegraphy. It became the first radio device to receive radio waves, thus proving that Maxwell`s theory was correct.

Considered a pioneer of experimental radio lent his name to the unit of average frequency, abbreviated to Hz.
1887 Emile Berliner see more
Emile Berliner Inventor of the gramophone, the first instrument for playing and recording discs, horizontally, at 78 rotations, made of laminated glass.
1890 Edouard Branly (1844-1940) see more
Edouard Branly (1844-1940) French physicist and inventor of the coesor, the first device capable of detecting radio waves and allowed the reception of wireless telegraph signals (Hertz waves). This device was used by Marconi for long distance transmissions.
1890 1890 Highlights see more
1890 Highlights Nicolas Tesla invents the Tesla coil, an electromagnetic coil capable of generating high frequency and high power radio frequencies which, according to some writers, led to the development of radio and television.
1893 Roberto Landell de Moura see more
Roberto Landell de Moura Brazilian priest seen as one of the pioneers of radio and father of Brazilian radio, considered by some researchers as the first, even before Marconi, to successfully experiment the wireless transmission and reception of the human voice.
Made several pieces of significant equipment for the history of radio: a wave transmitter, a telephone and wireless telegraph.
1895 Alexander Stepanovich Popov see more
Alexander Stepanovich Popov Russian physicist and pioneer of radio-telegraphy specialized in radio-electrical phenomena and invented the aerial. Designed a radio receiver for signals transmitted through the medium of electro-magnetic waves, having transmitted and received the first wireless telegraphic message in 1895.
1895 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923) see more
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923) German physicist who discovered, on 8th November, a new form of electromagnetic radiation wavelength, the X-ray.
1895 1895 Highlights see more
1895 Highlights Guglielmo Marconi made the first wireless transmission at a distance using a flash coil as an emitter and a cohesor as detector. This achievement marks the birth of telegraphy.
1896 Guglielmo Marconi see more
Guglielmo Marconi Italian physicist and inventor of the first practical wireless telegraphic system in 1896. Won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1908. James Maxwell Clerk`s theory of the propagation of electromagnetic waves through space, and their consequent experimental confirmation by Heinrich Hertz in 1888, was used by Marconi between 1894 and 1895.
1897 1897 Highlights see more
1897 Highlights Marconi establish the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, the first company in the world to operate a wireless telegraphy service.

Carl Ferdinand Braun (Germany) makes the first cathode ray tube for use as an oscilloscope, a precursor to the modern television screen.

Braun develops a wireless telegraphy system with an inductive coupler with flash emitter and synchronous resonance circuit functioning as a resonator.

Braun substituted the cohesor for a crystal detector.
1897 Karl Ferdinand Braun (1850-1918) see more
Karl Ferdinand Braun (1850-1918) Radiotelegraphy pioneer, developed electronic circuits and crystal stabilizers. Also dedicated his studies to cathode rays and gave his name, the Braun tube, to the cathode oscillograph, which he invented (1897). The following year he began research on wireless telegraphy, obtaining his first concrete successes four years later (1902).
1897 Joseph John Thompson (1856-1940) see more
Joseph John Thompson (1856-1940) Joseph John Thomson (England), Nobel laureate for physics in 1906, investigated the transmission of electricity through gases and identified cathode rays as extremely small particles-electrons.
1898 1898 Highlights see more
1898 Highlights Valdemar Poulsen, a danish engineer, apllied for a patent to the ``Telegraphone´´, the first magnetic recorder that can record on a steel wire.

Michael Idorvski Pupin (USA) receives an American patent for his electrolyte detector.

Oliver Lodge (USA) gets a patent for his tuning system for radio circuits.
1899 1899 Highlights see more
1899 Highlights In March was born the American Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Company, the first American radio company.

Marconi makes the first wireless transmission across the English Channel on 27th March. (Bravo 1995)

The first emergency message is received from East Goodwin Sands, off the coast of England, after being rammed by the steamship RF Mathews.
1900 Patent 7777 see more
Patent 7777 Marconi receives the 7777 patent for the multiplex telegraph with simple antenna, and for a synchronized wireless telegraph system, the ancestor of many synchronized circuits that followed.
1900 Reginald Aubrey Fessenden see more
Reginald Aubrey Fessenden Reginald Aubrey Fessenden (USA) transmits the first spoken message using flash transmission from Cobb Island
1901 1901 Highlights see more
1901 Highlights Fessenden asks for an American patent for a wireless telephone system and for a non-weak wave reception method known as heteronymous or battement.

Marconi achieves the first transatlantic wireless transmission by sending the Morse code letter ``S´´ from Poldhu in the south-west of England to Saint John`s, Newfoundland.

On 9th March, in Portugal, the first contact throught radio (Morse) was made between the Forte of Raposeira in Trafaria and the Forte of Alta Ajuda. the message was sent between Captain João Severo and Lieutenant Pedro Álvares.

On the 19th August during naval maneuvers with British ships wireless messages were exchanged between the cruiser Dom Carlos and the British ships.

In December were approved the general principles and laws of postal and telegraph which gave, only to the government, the right to run experiments ans tests of telegraphy or otherwise, including the wireless in this exclusive.
1902 1902 Highlights see more
1902 Highlights Cornelius Dalzell Ehret (USA) asks for two patents on 10th December for a method of modulated resistance, or oscilator resistance. (Bravo 1999)

Marconi invents the magnetic detector.

On 26th May, wireless telegraph experiments with staff from the Post and Telegraph Office results in an exchange of messages between the station lights in Cascais and the cruiser Dom Carlos.

José Celestino Soares, a student at the Polytechnic School of Lisbon, makes the first amateur transmission of wireless telegraphy.
1903 1903 Highlights see more
1903 Highlights On 9th April, Fessenden asks for a patent for an electrolyte detector based on a rectifier system.

Owen Williams Richardson (England) shows that thermal emissions with saturated current in high vacuum valves, were due to free electrons emitted by the heated filament and were dependant on the absolute temperature and the behavior of the filament. (Bravo 1999)

The first radio message is transmitted from the USA to the UK.

The merchant navy ship ``Portugal´´ equipped with wireless telegraphy becomes the first Portuguese civilian vessel equipped with wireless telecommunications system.
1904 John Ambrose Fleming see more
John Ambrose Fleming British electronic engineer and physicist, Maxwell `s student, worked with Edison and then with Marconi, as scientific advisor. In 1904 invented the diode, a detector for radio frequency signals, the first electronic detector for radio waves. Similar to Edison`s lamp in appearance, the first diode was built in a closed vacuum glass and was composed of two electrodes (anode and cathode).
1904 1904 Highlights see more
1904 Highlights John Ambrose Fleming (UK) asks for a British patent for his two element valve, the diode, used as a radiofrequency detector.

Marconi applies Fleming`s thermal valve to radio communications.
1905 1905 Highlights see more
1905 Highlights The general direction of Telegraph, Post and Telephones signed a provisional contract with Eastern Telegraph to build radiotelegraphic stations in the Azores.
1906 Lee De forest see more
Lee De forest American physicist, considered the father of radio in the USA. Devoted to the study and development of recording and reproduction equipment, and instruments for application in the fields of Electro-medicine and Telephony.

He became famous as the inventor of triode or audion (1906), an electronical valve of 3 elements. The triode, an improvement of the Fleming valve (the diode) was the first electronic device capable of amplifying voltages.
1906 1906 Highlights see more
1906 Highlights Fessenden successfully transmits the first long distance messages across the Atlantic Ocean between two stations, Brant Rock, Massachusetts, USA; and Machrihanish, in the south-west of Scotland.

The engineer Ettori Bellini (Italy) makes the first tests with radio signal direction detectors with the help of Captain Alessandro Tosi. These studies lead Bellini and Tosi to the invention of the goniometric radio, a device which can allow ships and planes to determine their position and the direction in which they are moving.

The first international conference of radiotelegraphy take place in Berlin, where several measures are decided, such as the creation of the International Union Radiotelegraphy, the principle of obligatory communication between ships and coastal stations and the first rules for wireless telegraphy.

H.C. Dunwoody (USA) discovers the rectifying qualities of carborundum crystals capable of detecting radio waves more effectively than Branly`s coesor. The crystal detector allows the alternating current to pass in just one direction, rectifying the signal which becomes audible in headphones. Was used in Galena receivers.

Greenleaf W Pickard discovers rectifying properties of silicon crystals used as detectors.

Lee de Forest, following experiments on Fleming`s valve, invents a thermionic vacuum valve of three elements, the triode or audion, which introduces a new element: a grid between the filament and the plaque.

Fessenden builds the first hi-frequency alternator and makes the first radio broadcast of music and words, from Brant Rock. The signals are received by ships along the Virginia coast in the USA.

A Campbell Swinton (UK) publishes an article in Nature magazine, which puts into perspective current television technology and therein proposes a completely electronic system using cathode ray tubes
1907 1907 Highlights see more
1907 Highlights The book ``WirelessTelegraphy´´ by Amadeu Vasconcelos is published in Lisbon.

Boris Rosing (Russia) and A.A. Campbell-Swinton (UK) develop a method of image reproduction, based on electronic scanning system of the image.
1908 Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton see more
Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton Scottish engineer, TV pioneer, who advocates the first electronic image transmission system, as described in an article he published in the Nature magazine (1908).
1908 1908 Highlights see more
1908 Highlights Lee de Forest makes the first experimental radio broadcast of voice and music from the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, broadcast captured by military posts in the region, showing the potencial use of radio in war.

Karl Ferdinand Braun, the German physicist and inventor, shares with Marconi the Nobel Prize for physics, in 1908, for his contribution to wireless telegraphy.

A.A. Campbell-Swinton (UK) proposes an electronic system for image transmission, using cathode ray tubes, to send and receive messages. The image is projected onto a photoelectric mosaic fixed on one of the tubes, where a beam of electrons hits the mosaic producing an electric signal.
When this electric signal is received controls the intensity of another beam which hits the fluorescent screen.
1910 1910 Highlights see more
1910 Highlights Lee De Forest transmits the voices of Enrico Caruso and Emmy Destin, from the backstage at the Metropolitan Opera House, using a transmitter oscillator arc .

William Henry Eccles (USA) observes oscillations in galena crystal detectors for the first time.
1911 1911 Highlights see more
1911 Highlights On May 25 is created the General Administration of the Posts, telegraphs and Telephones, with administrative and financial autonomy, which becomes responsible for granting licenses to radio-telegraphers.
1912 1912 Highlights see more
1912 Highlights Following the Titanic disaster on the night of 14th April, an SOS message was sent via radio by the radio-telegrapher Jack Phillips which helped save around 700 lives.

As a result of this event became clear the the need to equip ships and coastal stations with radiotelegraphic equipment, and keep a common listening frequency for SOS calls (using Morse code). Then, it was aproved the law, number 264, of 13th August 1912 (USA) known as ``Radio Act´´ which regulated radio communications.

In October Lee De Forest showed the functionality of cascade amplifiers, using two or more valves of three elements. (Bravo 1999)

The Portuguese government and the Marconi Society signed the first contract for construction the global network of wireless telegraphy in the country.

A second agreement, obtained in 1922, led to the instalation of Marconi in Portugal throught the establishment of a national company. Thus was born, in 1925, the portuguese company ``Rádio Marconi´´.

In May the first Portuguese radio-telegrapher, Carlos Alberto de Oliveira (CT3AA-CT1DX), comes on to the scene
1913 1913 Highlights see more
1913 Highlights In April Lee De Forest affirms that the 3 element valve (the audion) could be used as an oscillator and heterogeneous detector.
1914 Rádio Hertz see more
Rádio Hertz In Portugal the first experiments with radio were carried out by Fernando Gardelho Medeiros and his Rádio Hertz in 1914. The project was stopped and restarted years later with a new name: Rádio Continental.

Radio telegraphy and radiotelephony prove to be of great use during wartime, benefiting from the technical developments that characterizes war periods.
1916 1916 Highlights see more
1916 Highlights Ernst Alexanderson invents Tuned Radio Frequency, that is tuned and amplified through several stages, till the detection and radio output.

Marconi makes the first short-wave radio transmission with parabolic reflectors.

The amateur radio enthusiast Carlos Alberto de Oliveira serves as an intermediary post during World War One between the British south Atlantic fleet and the admiralty in London.

Following requests for transmission licenses the first rules for amateur wireless radio stations are published by the Portuguese government.
1917 1917 Highlights see more
1917 Highlights Marconi creates first VHS radio.

Joaquim Dias de Melo (CT1AB) begins his transmissions in Lisbon becoming the first holder of the license for a wireless radio post by the Post and Telegraph General Administration, with the code known as P1PS.
1918 Edwin Howard Armstrong see more
Edwin Howard Armstrong North American engineer, inventor of the regenerative circuit in 1912, of the super-heterodyne circuit in 1918, (the basis for radio and radar receivers) in Frequency Modulation (FM) used in radios and TV. He is the inventor of FM radio.

Edwin Armstrong invented the super-heterodyne receiver using the same principle which underlies today`s radios. The principal characteristics of superheterodyne were greater sensitivity to weak signals and greater efficiency in synchronizing stations.

The super-heterodyne receiver was developed during the war, when it was necessary very sensitive receiver circuits, capable of operating under 600 meters (higher than 500 kHz) .

With this new system, receivers began to be adapted and linked to electric current, precipitating the abandonment of acid batteries which fed them, and headphones were incorporated in the interior of devices.
1919 Efemérides de 1919 see more
Efemérides de 1919 Albíno Forjaz Sampaio, writer, and Commander João Frederico Júdice de Vasconcelos make the first official TSF transmission using an emission post installed in the Serra de Monsanto in Lisbon. Heard aboard a ship anchored in the Tejo off Terreiro do Paço this was a real novelty at the time

The University of Wisconsin’s non-profit making organization 9XM makes the first timed and programmed broadcast

Walter Scholky invents the triode, a thermal valve with 4 elements with a blind-grid placed between the control grid and the plaque

RCA (the Radio Corporation of America) is founded on 17th October
1920 1920 Highlights see more
1920 Highlights The first timed and programmed broadcast on a global level by a commercial organization is made in November by the KDKA station, which broadcasts the presidencial election of Warren Harding.
1921 1921 Highlights see more
1921 Highlights In June RCA transmits the first broadcast of a sporting event, the Dempsey-Carpienter boxing match.

Albert William Hull (USA) invents the magnetron (a high vacuum thermal valve) based on studies published in the same year.
1922 1922 Highlights see more
1922 Highlights On 22nd September is granted to Marconi`s Wireless Telegraph Company Limited the use of communication posts via radio, and the monopoly of international radio. It was made the promise of creating a Portuguese company for the use of wireless telegraphy in national territory.

Warren G. Harding becomes the first president to make a speech in a commercial radio station, WEAR, later WFBR of Baltimore.

On 2nd June the first wireless telegraphy post is inaugurated on the island of Madeira, in Funchal telegraph station.

On 6th October the Radiola station is inaugurated in France, by the French Radio-electric Society, the first to include music programs and news.

On 15th December the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) is created. In 1927 the designation was changed to the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Louis A Hazeltine develops the neutron-dyne circuit which uses neutralizing condensers capable of eliminating radio noise. This is considered to be the first commercial receiver.

Charles Francis Jenkins requests a patent for an electromechanical television system.

On 22nd May he transmits a fixed image through use of a phonograph.

On 3rd October Jenkins gives a public demonstration of image transmission using a telephone line.
1923 Charles Francis Jenkins see more
Charles Francis Jenkins North American inventor and pioneer of cinema and mechanical television. was the first to transmit an image by wireless in 1923.
1923 1923 Highlights see more
1923 Highlights The first transmissions by Single Side Band.

Hans Bredow launches the first radio transmitter in Berlin.

Jenkins transmits the first photographs by radio, from Washington DC to Philadelphia, using hertz waves under the process known as Radio-vision.

In September, José Celestino Soares founded the first Portuguese amateur scientific Wireless Telegraphy association in Lisbon, ``Rádio Academia de Portugal´´.

On 27th November in Hartford, Connecticut and in Nice, France, amateur radio stations transmit the first two-way transatlantic messages using 100 meter waves.

On 29th December Zworkykin asks for a patent for an iconoscope, a patent which is granted only on 20th December 1939.
1923 Vladimir Zworykin (1889-1982) see more
Vladimir Zworykin (1889-1982) Russian inventor and engineer, television pioneer, K. Zworykin develops an electronic system for transmission and reception of television- the Iconoscope- which eliminates Nipkow`s mechanical disc and allows electronic transference of images. This was the first device used in television cameras (image capturing tube) which transformed optical images into electric signals.
1924 Abílio Nunes dos Santos Junior see more
Abílio Nunes dos Santos Junior Pioneer of radio in Portugal. In 1924 Abílio dos Santos Júnior begins his experimental broadcasts from the loft of the Grand Chiado Warehouses under the number P1AA. On 20th October 1925 he begins regular broadcasts in Medium Wave.
In 1929 he begins the Short Wave broadcasts, already designated as CT1AA.

With the creation of the Emissora Nacional (EN), Abílio dos Santos gradually withdrew from the field of radio-diffusion. He moved away definitely when he considers his task was completed, by the time EN began transmitting in Short Wave.
1924 1924 Highlights see more
1924 Highlights First transmission of a photograph via radio from New York to London.

The USA’s Naval Research Laboratory develops the first crystal-controlled radio transmitter.

The public radiophonic service gives an exclusive license to the Unione Radíophonica Italiana (URI), the future RAI.

The ORSEC station of the brothers António and Francisco Borges begins broadcasting in the city of Porto.This emitter was one of those who led to the Emissores Norte Reunidos.

Albino Nunes dos Santos, considered the father of radio in Portugal initiates experimental transmissions of music and word from his office in Chiado Warehouses, property of his father and uncle. Under the name P1AA Radio Lisbon it's heard throughout the city and its suburbs.

Only in 1925 by the name CT1AA Radio Portugal Abílio Nunes dos Santos starts regular broadcasts, this time from the installations in Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar.

On 9th November the first edition of the TSF magazine comes out.

The Amateur Portuguese Society of Wireless Telegraphers was founded by dissident members of the Portuguese Radio Academy.

Edward Victor Appleton (UK) first proves the existence of the reflecting layer in the ionosphere, launching radio waves over it (the first use of what is known today as radar).
1925 John Logie Baird see more
John Logie Baird Scottish engineer and one of the pioneers of television. In October 1925 Baird was one of the first to use Nipkow`s invention successfully, creating television images in laboratory.
1925 1925 Highlights see more
1925 Highlights C. Francis Jenkins (USA) executes the first demonstration of television via radio using an imaging mechanical disc (48 line mechanical system).

Baird shows a device with which he produces simple images at a distance. This experiment demonstrates in practice the principle of successive scan, presented previously by Swinton.

The end of "Rádio Academia de Portugal " association.

On 25th October the CT1AA starts the first regular radio broadcasts in Portugal. Founded by Abílio Nunes dos Santos Junior, CT1AA had as first presenter António Lopes Vieira.

"Ideal Rádio" of Júlio Silva and José Martins , and "Rádio Porto" de António Rodrigues appears in OPorto.

"Rádio Condes" of Arnaldo Abreu (CS2ZC) and CT1DH of Raul Sales appear in Lisbon.
1926 1926 Highlights see more
1926 Highlights RCA transmits the first commercial photograph by radio facsimile, across the Atlantic, between New York and London, on 1st May.

NBC, the National Broadcasting Corporation, is founded on 9th September by David Sarnoff, a pioneer of radio and television. On 15th November begins operating with 24 radio stations.

Bernard D.H. Tellegen (Holland) invents the pentode, a valve with a fifth electrode placed between the grid and plaque.

In December, REP (the Portuguese Broadcast Network) is founded, under the direction of the radio amateur Eugénio de Avillez (PA1AE).

On 26th January, in London, England, John Logie Baird demonstrates the first television system in the world (30 lines and 5 images per second).

On 25th December takes place the first TV broadcast in Japan.
1927 Philo Farnsworth see more
Philo Farnsworth American inventor and television pioneer, develops an image dissector system which uses cathodes, and succeeds in demonstrating the world’s first electronic transmission of television in the world (1927).
1927 1927 Highlights see more
1927 Highlights Bell Telephone make the first television transmission by wire at a distance between Washington DC and New York, on 7th April; and from television to radio between Whippany, NJ, and New York ,on 16th April.

On 7th January the radiotelephonic service between London and New York is created.

Takes place The first world radiofusion conference, to review and set the frequencies for the radio services at the time (fixed, mobile, maritime and aeronautic, amateur and experimental radio broadcast).

Appears The first radio station (CT1CZ-Rádio Coimbra) in the city of Coimbra.

On 7th January Philo Farnsworth (USA) asks for a patent for an electronic television system.

John Baird (Scotland) develops a mechanical television system with a disc of 30 lenses, and on 3th June a color television system with a hard mechanical three spiral operation, on both the transmitter and receiver sides. (Bravo 1999)

On 18th September CBS (the Columbia Broadcasting System) is founded in the USA.
1928 1928 Highlights see more
1928 Highlights The radio station Hertziana (CT1BO) appears in Lisbon.

In Parede, the CT1DY station of Jorge Botelho Moniz and Alberto Lima Basto appears.
Its designation will be modified over the years: CT1DY-Rádio Parede (1930), CT1GL-Rádio Clube da Costa do Sol (1931) and finally CT1GL Rádio Clube Português (1931).

At the Berlin Radio Show Denes von Mihaly (Germany) presents a mechanism identical to the device created by John Logie Baird, but smaller and called the Telehor, a system which has 30 lines and transmits 10 images per second.

RCA (USA) demonstrates a television with 60 lines transmitting the cartoon images of ``Felix the Cat´´. this was the first image to be seen in a TV receiver.

RCA`s first experimental television station W2XBS is formed in April.

Charles Francis Jenkins (USA) receives the first W3XK license.
1929 1929 Highlights see more
1929 Highlights Vladimir K Zworykin (USA) invents the iconoscope and kinescope (the first cathode ray tube for television images).

BBC initiates experimental television broadcasts using Baird`s 30 line system, and these will continue until 1935.

In Lisbon Lacombe Neves founded Rádio Sonora (C52ZM) on 18th June, and later Rádio Voz de Lisboa.
Amadeu and Fernando Laranjeira`s created Rádio Motorola.
1930 1930 Highlights see more
1930 Highlights Sonora Rádio, the second radio station in the city of Porto appears, founded by Agostinho Antero and José Alberto Calheiras Lobo. This station was used by Emissora Nacional (National Broadcasting Service) as a re-transmission post.

The government creates Radio-electric Services Direction (Law no. 17.899 of the 29th January 1930) under the tutelage of CTT; authorizes the acquisition of a medium wave emitter and another short wave, reinforcing the power of the General Postal and telegraphic Administration, launches the idea of a public radio service; and the payment of taxes.
The diploma declares a state monopoly on all radio-telephonic, radio service stations and and all discoveries related to radioelectricity.

Bell telephone laboratories demonstrate television by two direction wire.

The first round the world radio transmission was made from Schenectady, New York.
1931 René Barthélemy see more
René Barthélemy French engineer, inventor and television pioneer, Barthélemy makes the first TV transmission at a distance (1931) using a 30 line system with a Nipkow disc.
1931 1931 Highlights see more
1931 Highlights First microwave connection (18cm-1700 MHz) across the English Channel between Dover in England and Calais in France is made on 31st March

Foundation of French state foreign broadcasting body, known as Poste Colonia and later Radio France International.

The first short wave emissions to Africa, America and the Middle East.

The first radios with the names of the four quadrants are sold.

On 14th April René Barthélemy (France) makes the first television transmission in 30 lines at a distance.

At the assembly of the Rádio Clube Costa do Sol-CT1GL, its designation is changed to Rádio Clube Português, CT1GL . Abílio Nunes dos Santos Junior is elected an associate member of the club.

The following radio stations appear: Alcântara Rádio (CT1GK), Clube
Radiofónico de Portugal (CS2ZN), the Lisbon Civil Hospital Workers Association and Rádio Rio de Mouro.
1932 1932 Highlights see more
1932 Highlights First experimental broadcasts in medium wave.

Launch of first auto-radio in Europe, known as Blaunpunkt.

Fusion of Union Telegraph and Radio Telegraphic Union to form the ITU-International Telecommunications Union.

First National Radio-telephony Conference takes place at the Geographic Society organized by ‘O Século’ newspaper.

The stations CTIDS of Ilídio Neves, João Dias Pães’ Rádio Luso, Américo Santos’ Rádio Graça, and J Costa Pais’ Rádio Amadora created.

Two stations are created in Porto, Henrique Aguiar’s Invicta Rádio (CS2XB) and Rádio Clube Lusitânia.

The date of the beginning of radio drama in Portugal.

On 11th October the first political television is made by CBS in New York.
1933 1933 Highlights see more
1933 Highlights On June 17th, Rádio Luso (CS2ZH) of João Dias Pais begins regular broadcasts.

International radio transmission of American President Franklin D. Roosevelt's inauguration speech.

Marconi inaugurates the first radio service using microwaves (UHF), between the Vatican City and Gandolfo Castle.

Broadcast license issued to Rádio Clube Português.

On 29th June, law nº 22783, regarding radio-telegraphy, radio-telephony, radio-fusion and radio-television, creates the Administrative Studio Commission and a Program Commission.

The Electromechanical station(CS52XK), transmitter post of the Electromechanical Laboratory of Manuel Moreira; and the Casa Branca Brother`s of José and Orlando Moreira Branco starts the transmissions in Porto.

On 10th June Rádio Motorola changes its name to Rádio Peninsular (CS2ZI).

On 16th December Rádio S. Mamede (CS2ZK) (ex-Rádio Amadora) begins experimental broadcasts.
1934 1934 Highlights see more
1934 Highlights the law 22783 Creates National Broadcast body (EN).

In June 1934 the EN Symphonic Orchestra is created under the direction of Pedro de Freitas Branco.

In April Abílio Nunes dos Santos Junior brings his medium wave broadcasts to an end, but continues to broadcast on short wave as CT1AA-Rádio Colonial.

EN`s first experimental broadcasts on shortwave.

EN`s studios are transfered from Barcarena to Rua do Quelhas, where it remained until the mid 1990s.

By the ministerial demand of Duarte Pacheco it is prohibited to publicize on amateur radio stations, a measure which affects amateur radio stations, whose main income comes from advertising.

Creation of the FCC, the Federal Communications Commission, regulatory body in the area of telecommunications and radio service in the US.

Lee de Forest receives a patent for a regenerative or feedback circuit.

On 5th November the first Russian TV emitter is created.
1935 1935 Highlights see more
1935 Highlights Official inauguration of the EN (Emissora Nacional de Radiodifusão) on 1st August, marking the beginning of professional radio in Portugal. The management team, nominated by Duarte Pacheco, Minister for Public Works and Communications, was constituted by Henrique Galvão, Manuel Bívar and Pires Cardoso.

First trials with co-axial cable installed between New York and Philadelphia by AT&T .

Presentation of the Magnetophone, recording equipment with magnetic tape developed by AEG Telefunken.

Edwin Armstrong discovers modulated frequency (FM). Up to this point, radio emissions had been made using modulated amplitude (AM).

In January, the radio amateur António Madeira Machado (CT1HZ) makes the first transmission in Portugal of a football match between the Associação Académica de Coimbra and União de Coimbra.

First performance of the EN Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Pedro de Freitas Branco.

On 25th April, takes place the first official broadcast in France with 60 line definition and on 8th December with 180 line definition.

In March the first public television service begins in Germany (180 lines and 25 images a second).

The Television Committee publishes a report which recommends the adoption of a high definition television system (240 lines and 24 images a second (ips)).

The systems approved by the report were those of Baird Television Limited and Marconi-EMI Television Company Limited, with the recommendation that compatibility of television receivers is maintained.
1936 1936 Highlights see more
1936 Highlights Catholic broadcaster Rádio Renascença begins regular experimental broadcasts, founded and inspired by Monsignor Lopes de Cruz.

Rádio Clube Português get authorization for the use of radiophonic publicity which had been banned since July 1934 by ministerial order of Duarte Pacheco.

Recording on discs begins at the EN.

The Berlin Olympic Games mark the date in which television broadcasts on a large scale were first seen and this was also the first sporting event covered live.

René Barthélemy presents the first French cathode ray television, the Emyvisor.

In the November the BBC launches electronic television service (405 lines and 25 images), at the same time as using Baird’s mechanical system (240 lines, 25 images a second).
1937 1937 Highlights see more
1937 Highlights Rádio Sanjoanense, of Abílío Gomes, appears in São João da Madeira.

Rádio Renascença begins daily broadcasts in medium and short wave.

In April, ``Hora da Saudade´´ begins on EN. Initially, broadcasts were dedicated to fishermen in the cod-fishing fleet in the seas off Newfoundland. After that, the program were dedicated to emigrants and during the colonial wars for soldiers fighting in Africa. (Bravo, 1999, Maia 1995)

EN`s shortwave broadcasts in Barcarena increase power from 2 to 10 KW.

In Germany, USA, France and UK begins the regular monochrome broadcasts.
1938 1938 Highlights see more
1938 Highlights On 29th September, CT1AA-Rádio Colonial, of Abílío Nunes dos Santos, closes .

José do Nascimento`s and A.L. Ferreira`s Rádio Acordéon appears in Lisbon.

On 10th April Rádio Renascença is officially recognized.

On 30th October, CBS and Orson Welles broadcasts a version of the War of the Worlds which provokes panic in the American public who believe they are being invaded by Martians.
1939 New York World's Fair see more
New York World's Fair The public is presented with 340 line and 30 image per second television at the New York World`s Fair by NBC, the National Broadcasting Co. At the opening ceremony, on 30th April, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first American president to appear live on TV.
1939 1939 Highlights see more
1939 Highlights Edwin Howard Armstrong makes the first modulated frequency (FM) broadcast from the W2XMN station, which works with a 40Kw emitter, installed in Alpine.

NBC, the National Broadcasting Co. makes the first public presentation of television (340 lines and 30 images a second) at the World`s Fair in New York. At the opening ceremony, on 30th April, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first U.S. president to appear on TV.

On 1st September the invasion of Poland by German troops signals the beginning of World War II, an event which is broadcast worldwide by radio. Radio will serve as an efficient propaganda tool throughout the war, and shows itself to be a mass communication device without precedent.

As a result of the war, on 21st September, law No 29.937 suspends all amateur broadcasts.

Marvin Camras invents the steel wire sound recorder, that is intensively used during World War 2.

The small amateur radio stations with little financial or professional resources, known in Portugal as ``earthworm radios´´, which proliferated during the 20s and 30s, are required to unite into two associative bodies, Emissores Associados de Lisboa and Emissores Norte reunidos. These stations keep the identity, but share the broadcast space given over by a centralized radio, as was the case of Rádio Peninsular in Lisbon, and Electro-Mecânica in Porto.
1940 1940 Highlights see more
1940 Highlights RCA (Radio Corporation of America) presents a non-mechanical electronic color television system to the FCC on 6th February.

CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) presents a mechanical color television to the FCC in August, a system invented by Peter Carl Goldmark which consists of rotating mechanical disc with a sequential 3 color system (transmission system in 343 lines).

On 3rd September the first demonstration of high definition color television is carried out.

It is promulgate the first organic law of the EN (The National Radio of Portugal), No 30752 (Diário do Governo Series 1, number 215 of 14th September), which establish the organization of the services, including the so called "National Radio-fusion Plan" and the autonomy of the EN`s against the postal services. The same diploma signals the start of regional broadcasting in Porto, Coimbra and Faro.
1941 1941 Highlights see more
1941 Highlights Inauguration of Regional Broadcaster in Ponta Delgada, Azores.

In February, construction of EN`s second broadcast station in Castanheira de Ribatejo.

António Ferro takes command of the presidency of EN on 12th June.

Inauguration of OPorto's studios of Rádio Renascença.

The EN starts the transmission of programs in Portuguese for Brazil and USA.

The United States standardizes the TV broadcasts with 525 lines.
1942 1942 Highlights see more
1942 Highlights Paul Eisler (Austria) produces the first radio with printed circuit connections.

The National Bureau of Standards begins tests with printed circuits, whose large scale production starts in 1945. The development of this technology led to the appearance of integrated circuits and microelectronic.
1943 1943 Highlights see more
1943 Highlights The EN`s 50Kw medium wave emitter at Castanheira do Ribatejo comes into service.

Alfred N. Goldsmith (USA) asks for an American patent color TV electronic system, which uses a three canon valve.
1945 1945 Highlights see more
1945 Highlights The Orticon tube is used for the first time. The successor of the iconoscope uses photoemission. This type of tube was used by RTP until 1980 and the advent of color broadcasting.

The annual report of the FCC announces new TV rules and guidelines, based on technological advances made during World War II.

EN`s short wave emitter comes into service in Barcarena.

In February, Program 2 becomes an autonomous channel with the separation of broadcasters and the start-up of the Castanheira do Ribatejo MW emitter.
1946 1946 Highlights see more
1946 Highlights On 16th February, the first TV images are sent using coaxial cable laid between Washington and New York.

In October RCA offers, to the public, the first completely electronic TV, in Princeton USA.

In Porto, Sonora Rádio closes down.
1947 1947 Highlights see more
1947 Highlights The Second World War was over in 1945. However, it is only in June 1947 that prohibition of amateur radio stations is lifted in Portugal.

On 29th June the regulations for amateur stations (law nº 36.438) is published.
1948 1948 Highlights see more
1948 Highlights Invention of the transistor by American physicists J. Bardeen, W.H. Brattain and William Shockley of the Bell Laboratories. The device was used as an amplifier, an oscilloscope and for the same purpose for which the tubes were used.

With the miniaturization of radio technology, receivers become smaller and more powerful.

The first commercial cable TV system is developed by John Walson (USA).
1949 1949 Highlights see more
1949 Highlights On 20th January president Harry Truman's inauguration speech is the first to be televised.

On 19th April the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), a north American television network, is founded.

The Faro EN regional emitter comes in to service.

On 29th June, Rádio Altitude, of José Maria Pedrosa, begins regular broadcasts.
1950 1950 Highlights see more
1950 Highlights On April 3rd, Rádio Universitária appears, after an agreement between the Lisbon University Centre, Mocidade Portuguesa and the EN, transmitting in medium wave.

The first broadcasts from Rádio Universitária were under the responsibility of the Lisbon university students.
The studios were located in Praça das Flores, near S. Bento Palace, and later from R. Estefânia. These broadcasts ended in 1974. (Bravo, 1999, Maia 1995)
1951 1951 Highlights see more
1951 Highlights In February António Eça de Queirós assumes the presidency of the EN.

Beginning of regular broadcasts by Rádio Ribatejo (CSB22) on May 15th, by radio amateur Jaime Vareta Santos, designated as CT1QA.
1952 1952 Highlights see more
1952 Highlights In June the EN studios at the Instítuto Superior Técnico are constructed for coverage of the NATO conference.

In August ,the construction of the Viseu regional emitter begins.

A proposal for a norm of 625 lines and 25 images is presented.
1953 1953 Highlights see more
1953 Highlights Television Studio Group is created in EN`s Office of Research, with the objective of installing a television public service in Portugal. As a result of these studies the ``Television in Portugal´´ report is published in the following year.

The MILLS array-antenna is invented. Consisting of two antennas placed in a cross formation. This was the first large scale production of antennas to process signals electronically.

On 2nd June the coronation of Queen Elizabeth is televised in the UK.

On 10th October a children's program, on CBS`s, called Winky Dinky and You introduces, for the first time in television, the idea of interactivity.

The FCC`s annual report makes a number of recommendations regarding color TV regulations and its compatibility with the black and white system.

In February the Society of Northern Broadcasters Limited is formed. Their MW broadcasts were made, on rotation, between the associated radio stations (ORSEC- Rádio Porto, Moreira and Costa and Company Limited, and Ideal Radio-Sá, Quaresma and Company Limited).
1954 1954 Highlights see more
1954 Highlights Official inauguration of short wave S. Gabriel Ultramarine Broadcast Centre, in Pegões (March), marking the beginning of EN`s International Service.

In October the Elvas regional emitter comes into service.

In the USA the Regency company develops the first transistorized radio, followed by Sony in 1955. These first receivers were picking up only medium and long wave.

Beginning of regular color broadcasts in the USA.

Rádio Clube Português starts broadcasts in Modulated Frequency (FM).
1955 1955 Highlights see more
1955 Highlights In January a commission of studies is created with the objective of coordinating and evaluating the analysis made by the Television Studio Group.

This commission was made by the EN directorship, a representative of Rádio Clube Português (Botelho Moniz), and a representative of the Ministry of Communication.

On 18th June, experimental closed circuit TV session run at Porto Luna Park.

On 18th October It is establish the concession to exploit the new TV public service (law nº 40341).

on 15th December Rádio Televisão Portuguesa, SARL is created by the government. As a limited company RTP had a capital of 60 thousand millions of escudos (300 000€), divided between the state, private radio stations and privates.

EN starts broadcasting in modulated frequency (FM).

Rádio Clube Português starts broadcasting in medium wave at a power higher than 50Kw, in Miramar, near Porto.
1956 J. Bardeen, W.Shockley, W.H.Brattain see more
J. Bardeen, W.Shockley, W.H.Brattain In 1948 the transistor was invented by American physicists J. Bardeen, W.H. Brattain and William Shockley of the Bell Laboratories. The device was used as an amplifier, an oscilloscope and for the same purpose for which the tubes were used.
In 1956 they collectively received the Nobel Prize for Physics ``for their research into semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect´´.

1956 1956 Highlights see more
1956 Highlights On 16th January a concessionary public television service agreement is signed by Camilo Mendonça, president of RTP, Jorge Botelho and Stichini Vilela business administrators, and Marcelo Caetano, Presidential Minister of Communications Affairs.

On 16th April, the proposals for the acquisition of the first technical material, are open.

The experimental broadcasts begin, from the popular fair, in Palhavã, Lisbon, at 21.30 on 4th September.

On 3rd December the second phase of experimental broadcasts starts, in Lumiar studios.

The EN has its first two broadcasters in FM, in Lisbon and Lousã.

In April the EN`s Covilhã broadcaster begins operation.

Transmissions of EN`s first live broadcasts on the occasion of the visit of General Craveiro Lopes, head of state of Portuguese overseas territories.

The submarine co-axial cable comes on the scene, allowing a number of transmissions to be made concurrently.

The AMPEX company (USA) launches the VR-1000, the first commercial video tape-recording equipment (VTR or Video Tape Recorder), invented by Charles Ginsberg and Ray Dolby. The tape format in use was the QUADRUPEX and the tapes were placed in open reels.

Robert Adler (USA) invents the first television remote control (Zenith Space Commander).
1957 1957 Highlights see more
1957 Highlights Max T Weiss of Bell`s technical laboratories develops the first parametric amplifier and oscillator based on a proposal made by H. SHUL.

Parameteric amplifiers are known for their exceptionally low noise levels. (Bravo 1999)

On 4th October the Soviet Union puts into orbit the first artificial satellite built by man-the SPUTNIK- opening the way to the Space Age.

The physicist Leo Esaki (Japan) discovers the tunnel effect in semi-conductors, leading to the invention of the tunnel effect diode that, as the transistor, is used in electrical appliances. This invention earns him the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1973.

Inauguration of the studios in Rua São Marçal by the BBC during the visit of Queen Elizabeth II on 18th February.

In December the Viseu Regional Emitter comes into service.

Between 17th and 23rd February the official visit of Queen Elizabeth II is covered, an event that heralds the start of regular public broadcasts.

On 7 March 1957, begin regular broadcasts of the RTP, made from the studios of Lumiar to about 65% of the population, using for this purpose a transmitter temporarily installed at Monsanto.

On November 23 come into service, the transmission centers of Lisbon and Coimbra, and on December 31 the transmission center of Porto, located on Mount of the Virgin, in Vila Nova de Gaia.

"O monólogo do Vaqueiro", directed by Álvaro Benamor, is transmitted on March 11, marking the beginning of the tele-theater in RTP.

In April is broadcast the first televised quiz ‘Quem Sabe, Sabe’ presented by Artur Agostinho.

In August, takes place the first big report overseas, with coverage of the presidential visit to Brazil.

On 4th October RTP sends a team of reporters to the Azores for coverage of the Capelinhos volcanic eruption.

Coverage of the Bycicle Tour of Portugal.

On 19th November an exterior broadcasting vehicle is placed next to the José de Avalade Stadium for the first live exterior broadcast
1958 1958 Highlights see more
1958 Highlights On 9th February, takes place the first football live coverage of Sporting Vs FC Austria from José de Alvalade Stadium.

On 1st January the television tax comes into force.

Arthur Schawlow and Charles Towes, inventors of the MASER (Microwave Amplification by Simulation Emission of Radiation) present an optical Maser which operates at a light frequency and becomes known as Laser.

In February António Eça de Queiroz is substituted by Jaime Perreira to run the EN.

Installation of studios and further services of Rádio Clube Português in Sampaio e Pina street, where after the nationalization of radio, the news services of RDP (RDP1-RDP2-RDP3-RDP4-RDP International) will operate.

On 10th March, the Montejunto Broadcast Centre and, on 25th April, the Monchique (Fóia) relay, comes into service, marking the end of the first stage of TV installation in Portugal.

In June the first live televised speech by António Oliveira Salazar is broadcast from the National Union, at the start of the election campaign.

In August RTP’s electronic cameras are seen for the first time in the Assembly of the Republic to record Américo Tomás sworn in as President.

In December RTP broadcasts the Christmas Hospital show for the first time.
1959 1959 Highlights see more
1959 Highlights In June the EN`s regional broadcasts in Guarda come into service.

In August the Monchique FM transmitter begins to operate.

On 5th August is founded the RTP house of staff.

The inauguration, on 20th October, of installations in Vila Nova de Gaia signal the beginning of regular broadcasts from the Porto Production Centre.

RTP becomes an active member of the European Broadcasting Union (UER), losing the status of affiliate member, that had since 1956.

1960 1960 Highlights see more
1960 Highlights On 15th December is transmitted via Eurovision the first non-sports televised event, the marriage of belgium King Baldwin.

Echo 1, the first satellite destined to retransmit radio and television signals is launched in the USA.

On 1st April TIROS 1 (television infra-red observation satellite) is launched, the first to transport television and radio transmitters.

In May takes place the first live foreign broadcast, a game of roller-hockey between Portugal and Spain.
1961 1961 Highlights see more
1961 Highlights In March EN`s Guarda emitter comes into service.

On 4th February the EN creates a radio-phonic plan which allows the mobilization of reporters to military operations in Angola.

RTP begins the collaboration with the Weather National Service.

The FCC`s annual report of 30th June presents alterations in the rules for stereophonic broadcasting, in authorizing FM broadcasters to transmit stereophonically.
1962 1962 Highlights see more
1962 Highlights Telstar (USA), the first civil communications satellite comes into service, allowing the first World Vision broadcast, the first live TV images broadcast between USA and Europe.
1963 1963 Highlights see more
1963 Highlights The first geostationary satellite, SYNCON II, is launched. These satellites maintain a fixed position relative to the Earth allowing a permanent exchange of information and opening the possibility for a global communications system.

RCP launches in Portugal, the first FM frequency with independent programming and The first broadcast in Medium Wave, 24 hours a day.

Phillips invents the audio tape.

RTP broadcasts the first sport event for Eurovision, the semi final of the European Cup Winners, the match between Benfica and Feyenoord.

In June, during the inauguration of the Arrábida Bridge, a news broadcast is made from "Monte da Virgem" studios (Porto) for the first time.

On 25th June the first broadcast of a bullfight is made with "Corrida TV".
1964 1964 Highlights see more
1964 Highlights The first "pirate" radio stations appear in England, broadcasting from outside UK territorial waters. Radio Caroline is often mentioned as the first "pirate" radio station in Europe.

In October RR begins the FM network construction.

In December the Ponta Delgada emitter is replaced by an FM transmitter.

On 2nd February, the first Portuguese Grand Prize Song Contest is won by António Calvário with "Oração".

On 21st March Portugal is represented, for the first time, by António Calvário, at the European Song Contest, in Copenhagen.

In October regular televised educational broadcasts begin from studios at Monte da Virgem, under the direction of the National Education Minister.

The acquisition of the first video-tape equipment marks the beginning of a new stage in TV production, characterized by better image quality, and becoming common the recorded broadcasts.
1965 1965 Highlights see more
1965 Highlights Launch of the first commercial communications satellite, Intelsat 1 (Early Bird). Positioned over the Atlantic, the Early Bird transmittes, for the first time, bi-directional television signals between Europe and North America.

AMPEX launches the new 1 inch tape format, called Type A.

Sony launches one of the first color domestic use video, the CV-2000 (consumer video), weighing 32 kilos with a built-in monitor for showing the color image.

In May, the Portalegre FM relay goes into service.

When the Meandro emitter goes into service on 1st December it becomes possible to secure a permanent Eurovision broadcast network.
1966 1966 Highlights see more
1966 Highlights The first broadcast using an helicopter, for live coverage of the Automobile Circuit at Monsanto is made by Rádio Clube Português, with the reporter Felipe Costa (Bravo 1999: Maia 1995).

In June, the 1st International Radio Amateur Conference is held in Coimbra.

Four 100kw short wave emitters go into service at EN’s Pegões Broadcast Centre.

Rádio Clube Português opens the new Medium Wave Broadcast Centre in Porto Alto, to substitute the Parede Broadcast Centre, with a 120kw emitter, named Jorge Botelho Moniz Centre (Bravo 1999: Maia 1995).

On 6th August, the opening cerimony of the bridge over Tejo river is broadcast live, mobilizing human and technical resources as never before used by RTP.

In December the Muro Broadcast Centre goes into operation.
1967 1967 Highlights see more
1967 Highlights May,the international visit of Pope John Paul II to Fatima takes place.

In October from the EN`s regional emitter in Funchal, Madeira, comes into service.

The BBC begin regular color broadcasts, being the first European organization to do so using this technology.

Sony launches the DV-2400, the first portable video equipment (VTR).
1968 1968 Highlights see more
1968 Highlights In January stereophonic broadcasts begin from the Lisbon FM network emitter.

In February the Vila Real regional emitter goes into service.

Beginning of RTP network UHF (centimeter waves) coverage service.

On 25th December RTP`s second channel gets its start.
1969 1969 Highlights see more
1969 Highlights On 21st June RTP broadcasts the moon landing live, with commentary by José Mensurado.

Sony invents the U-Matic ¾ inch video tape with helical recording which begins to be commercialized in 1974.

In July the Rádio Clube de São Tomé and the Official Guinea Broadcast are converted to regional stations.

Rádio Clube Português begins stereophonic broadcasts with the program ``O Nosso Programa´´ (Our Program) through the Lisbon emitter.

In June RTP joins the daily Eurovision News Exchange (EVN`s).

The RTP Training Centre is created in October.
1970 1970 Highlights see more
1970 Highlights Channel 2 is also transmitted from the Porto Broadcast Centre (1st October) and the Montejunto Centre (on 21st November).

RTP introduces a new broadcast period known as Lunchtime, which runs from 12.45 to 15.00.

Coverage of António de Oliveira Salazar funeral.
1971 1971 Highlights see more
1971 Highlights RTP join the Iberian American News Service (SIN) under the auspices of the Iberian American Television Organization (OTI).

RTP`s second channel spreads by the Lousã emitter (19th April) for the centre of the country, and by Muro Broadcast Centre (25th April) for the Alto Minho region.
1972 1972 Highlights see more
1972 Highlights On April 22nd the first live broadcast by satellite between Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon is made, to show the mortal remains repatriation of King Pedro IV of Portugal, Emperor Pedro I of Brazil.

On 6th August RTP`s first regional centre in Madeira is inaugurated, marking the beginning of regular broadcasts.
1974 1974 Highlights see more
1974 Highlights At twenty past three in the morning, on 25th April, a group of military occupy the Rádio Clube Português studios turning them into their command post. At 4.26 the country is informed through a statement read by the journalist Joaquim Furtado, that the armed forces had gone out to the streets ready to change the current regime, and proclaim the reinstatement of democracy in Portugal. (Bravo, 1999)

On 25th April, a military unit of the Practical School of Military Administration, occupy the Lumiar studios.

Coverage of a number of events of the April Revolution, namely the assault on the Carmo headquarters, the liberation of political prisoners from the Caxias prison, and the 1st May celebrations.

In May RTP sees its concession suspended. The radio-television service is passed over to government control, under law number 278/74.

Portable video cameras (VTPs) go into service.
1975 1975 Highlights see more
1975 Highlights On 10th August television regular broadcasts start in the Azores, from the Ponta Delgada studios.

Nationalization of radio in Portugal as a result of the events of 25th November, the majority of Portuguese radio stations in continental territory were nationalized including:
Rádio Clube Português, the Emissores Associados de Lisboa which were composed by Rádio Graça, Clube Radiofónico de Portugal, Rádio Peninsular and Rádio Voz de Lisboa. As being part of RCP, Rádio Alto Douro, in Régua; and Rádio Ribatejo, em Santarém, were also nationalized (Bravo, 1999; Maia, 1995)

Not included in this action were Rádio Renascença and Rádio Altitude. The same law (674 C) brought the Emissora Nacional to an end, and created the Radio Public Company, "Radiodifusão Portuguesa EP", on 23rd February, under law number 153.

The Radio Public Station joined into a single entity: Emissora Nacional. Rádio Clube Português, and through these, the Emissores Norte Reunidos, the Emissores Associados de Lisboa, J. Ferreira e Companhia Lda, and the Emissores of Clube Radiofónico de Portugal, Rádio Graça, Rádio Peninsular and Rádio Voz de Lisboa.

Sony launch Betamax for domestic use, with 0.5 inch format.

Televised coverage on 11th March and the first free elections for the Constitutional Assembly on 25th April.

A year remembered for its studio debates. Particularly memorable to the Portuguese people was the one between Mário Soares and Álvaro Cunhal.

The law number 674-D/75 of 2nd December, nationalizes RTP, renamed Radiotelevisão Portuguesa EP.
1976 1976 Highlights see more
1976 Highlights The national broadcasting service is renamed as RDP, Radiofusão Portuguesa.

Antena 2 is created. The programming of this radio is based in classical music and cultural programs.

The BOSCH company (Germany) brings out a new tape format called Type B.

AMPEX in association with Sony bring out Type C which becomes the most popular among TV broadcasters worldwide. The 1 inch format Type C is the last to use open reel tapes.

JVC (Japan Victor Company) launch VHS (Video Home System) for domestic use.

First color experiences in Portugal, with the broadcast of the Assembly of the Republic (25 April), presidential (27 June) and local council (12 December) elections.
1977 1977 Highlights see more
1977 Highlights The first Portuguese pirate radio stations, are born (so called free radios): Rádio Juventude (Lisbon) considered one of the first; followed by Rádio Arremesso, and Rádio Caos in Porto.

The World Radio Administrations
Communications Conference results in a full restructuring of the 1959 Radio Regulations, liberalizing the band reserved for Modulated Frequency (FM) and enlarging the higher limit for FM beyond 108 MHz, a move which results in the appearance of pirate radio stations throughout Europe.

Broadcast of Gabriela, the first televised soap opera in Portugal.

In November the Bornes Broadcast Centre goes into service.

On 18th December the first satellite transmissions are made to the Azores.
1978 1978 Highlights see more
1978 Highlights RTP is elected onto the Board of Directors of the European Broadcasting (EBU) .

On 16th October the second channel becomes autonomous, and starts competing with the first.
1979 1979 Highlights see more
1979 Highlights RTP changes its headquarters from Lapa, Rua de S. Domingos, to Avenida 5 Outubro.

On January 27th a delegation for RTP, on Horta, Azores, starts emitting.

The appearance of the LASER DISC or VIDEO DISC from Phillips and Sony, collaborates on creating a real digital image. Sound and image were recorded digitally and printed as micro dots on a disc.
A laser was scanning the information and converting the same in pictures and sound.

RTP broadcast ``It`s a Knockout´´ in color to the whole Europe.

Beginning of regular broadcasts of first division football matches.

The 29th November broadcasting law nº 75/79 regulates activities of radio and television in national territory and areas under Portuguese jurisdiction.

On 12th March Rádio Comercial appears after the restructuring of RDP, becoming the commercial channel of Portuguese Broadcasting.
1980 1980 Highlights see more
1980 Highlights On 7th March, with the RTP Song Festival, begins color broadcasting . This Festival is broadcast live from the São Luís Municipal Theater and the winner is José Cid with the song ``Um grande, grande amor´´.

Under law number 321/80, of 22nd August, the status of Public Company, Radiotelevisão Portuguesa EP, comes into force.

On 1st June, CNN, the Cable News Network, a North-American TV network is born.

On 1st August, the American TV channel, MTV is founded.
1981 1981 Highlights see more
1981 Highlights On March, the first request for radio license is made by TSF news radio.

After 27th June, the Porto Production Centre starts to present programs for the 2nd channel.
1982 1982 Highlights see more
1982 Highlights Appearance of several pirate radio stations, namely: Rádio Antena Livre in Abrantes, Rádio Universo in Vila Nova de Gaia, Rádio Nova in Porto, Rádio Livre Internacional in Lisbon and Coimbra, and Rádio Hertz in Tomar.

BETACAM video format appears, brought out by Sony at the beginning of 1981, and commercialized in 1982 exclusively for professional use, BETACAM replaced the U-matic format.

Broadcast of Vila Faia, the first Portuguese soap opera.

In April, the São Miguel Broadcast Centre goes into Operation.

On 10th August, the Azores Regional Centre begins regular color broadcasts.

On 24th September, the Madeira Regional Centre begins regular color broadcasts.

On 16th November, begins satellite broadcasts to Madeira.
1983 1983 Highlights see more
1983 Highlights In June, the Mafra Broadcast Centre goes into service.
1984 1984 Highlights see more
1984 Highlights Law nº 167/14 is published on 22nd May and institutes the RDP status.

On 17th June, TSF Radio news starts, in Lisbon, experimental transmissions.

On 21st October, takes place the first live transmission of F1 racing in Portugal.
This is rewarded with the FOCA award for the best production of the year.
1985 1985 Highlights see more
1985 Highlights 8mm or V8 video appears, launched by Sony. The advantage is that 8mm tape format is smaller than its competitors VHS and Betamax while retaining the same level of quality.

Appearance of the first MAT (Mostra Atlântica de Televisão) a Television Festival, in Azores.

On 7th December RTP installs a delegation in Faro.
1986 1986 Highlights see more
1986 Highlights Creation of the Eureka 147 project, a consortium of businesses, coordinated by the European Broadcasting Union, which implements DAB (digital audio broadcasting) in Europe, a digital radio system that should replace analogue FM emissions.

BETACAM-SP arrives on the scene, an evolution of the Betacam format which offers better quality images.

In April , Sony launches the prototype of the D1 format, the first digital video recorder.

On 8th October, is inaugurated the Broadcast Centre in the RTP headquarters building on Avenida 5 Outubro .

Channel 2 broadcasts images from the Europa-TV project, the first pan-European television experiment.

On 18th July RTP`s first delegation abroad is established in Brussels.
1987 1987 Highlights see more
1987 Highlights On 11th March a licensing law (8/87) for broadcasting stations appears.

Rádio Renascença inaugurates another channel in FM stereo, RFM.

Creation of France Info, the only 24 hour a day news station in France.

Starts the commercialization of RDS, Radio Data System (a radio database system).

Panasonic and JVC launch a domestic format, the Super VHS (S-VHS), an improved version of the VHS format.

The broadcast centers at São Macário (16th April) and at Palmela (9th November) go into service.
1988 1988 Highlights see more
1988 Highlights Between 5th and 9th May, RTP hosts the first Portuguese Language TV stations meeting.

On 29th February, regular TSF Radio News broadcasts begin.

Beginning of the legalization of Portuguese pirate radio stations.

Inauguration, on 16th November, of the new RDP International installations in Rua de S. Marçal.

On 28th February an RTP delegation in Maputo, Mozambique, goes into service.

On 7th July, begins operating the RTP News Delegation in Vila Real and the Broadcast Center in Marão; on 14th July the RTP Broadcast Centre at Évora; on 21st July the News Delegation in Viseu; on 29th July the News Delegation in Coimbra; on 26th October the Valença Broadcast Centre; on 15th November the Mosteiro Broadcast Centre; and in December the Broadcast Centre in Morro Alto (Flores), Azores.
1989 1989 Highlights see more
1989 Highlights The HI-8 (High-Band Video-8) is launched by Sony as an evolved version of the 8mm format.

In May, the Broadcasting Centre at Cabeço Gordo (Faial) in Azores goes into service; on 28th July the Leiranco Broadcasting Centre; in September an RTP News Delegation in Moscow; and on 29th November the Gardunha Broadcasting Centre.

On 14th November, Guinea-Bissau Experimental Television (TVE-GB) is inaugurated. RTP IS responsible for the set up of the project.
1990 1990 Highlights see more
1990 Highlights The government assigns the management and operation of transport and TV signal diffusion to TDP (Teledifusora de Portugal SA) an anonymous limited company with majority public capital.

On 7th September the Law nº 55/90, Law of Television , opens a new regime for TV, regulating the television activity in Portugal.

RTP receives the TV public service concession for a renewable fifteen year period, covering the general network, corresponding to the first and second channels. These concessionary rights are non-transferable.

Law nº401/90, of 20th December, aproves the Frequency Technical Plan and the necessary technical conditions for carrying out TV activity, through 4 networks of general coverage, in conformity with law nº 58/90.
1991 1991 Highlights see more
1991 Highlights TV tax is abolish, under law nº 53/91.
Transfer of RTP`s transmission network to the dependant of TDP-Teledifusora de Portugal.

RTP assumes responsibility (under clause 111/91) for preservation and custody of the audiovisual heritage of public interest.

On 1st May the Christian Radios Association (ARIC) is formed.

Trevor Baylis (UK) invents the radio generator, a device capable of generating its own energy with recourse to batteries or electrical connections.

Mini-Discs are launched by Sony.

In February, RTP`s project for the establishment of Mozambique Experimental TV Production Centre (TVE-M) is concluded.

On 12th March the RTP Luanda Delegation, in Angola, goes into service.

On 24th June, RTP`s News Delegation in Washington DC (USA) goes into service.
On 25th June, the News Delegation in Bragança starts operations.

Creation of the Portuguese Language Television Organization, at the third congress for the Portuguese Language Television in Cape Verde.
1992 1992 Highlights see more
1992 Highlights On 14th May the Radio Museum is inaugurated in Lisbon, initially intended to be a national museum but later changed to a company museum.

The idea was suggested by Rádio Clube de Portugal and the man behind it was José de Nascimento, along with Manuel Bravo and Armando Leston Martins, both RCP staff. The project for the museum had been approved in 1965 by Jorge Botelho Moniz, General Director of RCP.

Begins a radio campaign to receive old radios for the creation of a museum. At the time, all radios were individually registered by the EN, each having its own registration papers. RCP established a protocol with the EN so that exemption from registration would come into force for those involved (Bravo, 1999; Maia 1995).

Start of regular broadcasts by RTP International.

Radiotelevisão Portuguesa, the public company, becomes, as a result of law nº 21/92 of 14th August, Radiotelevisão Portuguesa, a limited company.

On 6th October SIC starts broadcasting, the first private television channel in Portugal.
1993 1993 Highlights see more
1993 Highlights On 1st January, the European news channel Euronews is created.

Rádio Comercial is privatized.

Broadcasts by TVI, Portugal`s second private TV station, begin on 20th February.

On 9th September RTP International`s terrestrial receiving station in Macau is inaugurated.

BETACAM digital or DIGI-BETA appears. This is a development of Betacam-SP.
1994 1994 Highlights see more
1994 Highlights On 10th January under law number 2/94 RDP becomes a limited company.

On 26th April the official inauguration of Antena 3 takes place, an action which is carried out to support new Portuguese music (over the years some of the most important national bands were discovered here) under the banner ‘More New Music’.

On 1st July, RTP1’s broadcast to the North American continent are codified.

On 1st August retransmission of RTP1 begins on Cape Verde’s national TV.

On 6th November the second national television channel in Cape Verde is born. This channel is completely filled with RTP1 programmes.

In October, TV Cabo appears, offering cable TV services. However, it is only on 14th June 1998 that this activity is aided with the approval of the new Television Law (Number 31-A/98).

On 12th November Channel 1 and TV2 begin broadcasts in Azores using cable TV.

On 11th December RTP1 becomes accessible by cable in the Paris region.
1995 1995 Highlights see more
1995 Highlights RDP Africa appears, dedicated to countries in Africa where the Portuguese language is used.

The DVCAM format, a professional digital tape developed by Sony, appears.

On 9th February RTP and Marconi celebrate 3 rental contracts for satellite destined for RTP1 broadcasts and the transmission of signals for Canal 1 and TV2 to the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores.

On 27th June RTP1’s terrestrial diffusion network is inaugurated in São Tomé and Principe.
1996 1996 Highlights see more
1996 Highlights The first data for DRM (Digital Rádio Mondiale) is given, a system which allows digitalization on medium, long and short wave.

On 28th January RTPI starts broadcasts to the Asian and Pacific regions through the Chinese satellite ASIA-2 (RTPI in Timor).

On 18th April, RTP and "TV Abril" agree terms for transmission to Brazil through the BrasilSat1 satellite, allowing all cable networks and MMDS broadcast signals.

On 10th June an announcement is made by the Junior Minister Jorge Coelho regarding the creation of RTP Africa at the Communications Forum.

On 12th June during the Communications Forum is created the Portuguese Language Television association (TVLP), allowing all forms of collaboration between CPLP state TV channels, supporting the production and distribution of Portuguese language programs through members: TPA (Angola), TV Cultura, TV Abril and TV Educativas (Brazil), TVCN (Cape Verde), TVM (Mozambique), TVS (São Tomé and Principe), RTP and Televisão da Guinea-Bissau.

On 31st December the text of the Television Public Service Concession of 17th March 1993 is revised, and a new contract is celebrated between the Portuguese state and Radíotelevisão SA.

Toshiba and Panasonic bring out the first DVD players for domestic use, the Toshiba SD-3000 and the Panasonic A-100.
1997 1997 Highlights see more
1997 Highlights The first digital broadcasting licenses in the USA.

On 1st January, teletext emissions begin.

The inauguration of RTP Africa broadcasts, on 7th March.

Sony bring out the first CD-RW disc, the reusable disc.

Pioneer bring out the first DVD-R, the same size as a CD but with a storage capacity of 4.7GB and compatible with most DVD players.

Sony launches the HDCAM, an HTDM version for Betamax format.
1998 1998 Highlights see more
1998 Highlights The DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) comes progressively available in Portugal, under a license issued by RTP. This is a pioneering project in the country.

The new television law number 237/98, ends the monopoly over general television, allowing the possibility of thematic channels as well as regional and local television.

Sport TV, the first Portuguese thematic channel appears on 16th September.

RTP África begins regular broadcasts on 7th January.

Televised coverage of Expo 98 and the opening of the Vasco da Gama Bridge.
1999 1999 Highlights see more
1999 Highlights The first Digital 8 or D8 appears, an 8mm format digital version launched by Sony to run in parallel with the MiniDV format.

In December, Pioneer bring out the DVR-1000, the first table DVD recorder.
2000 2000 Highlights see more
2000 Highlights RDP is included in Portugal Global, SGPS, the holding created to group state media, which ceases to function in 2003.
2001 2001 Highlights see more
2001 Highlights Opening of public bidding for the winning of a national license, for establishment and use of terrestrial digital TV platform.
2003 2003 Highlights see more
2003 Highlights In May, the partnership formed by Sony and Panasonic brings out the Blu-Ray, as a successor to the DVD, characterized by high image storage capacity (25GB as opposed to the 4.7GB of a normal DVD), allowing high definition recording.

In March, Media Capital inaugurates a new broadcaster under the name Rádio Clube Português, using the frequencie of the former "Rádio Correio da Manhã".

Radiotelevisão Portuguesa SA, a public limited company is changed by law nº 33/2003 of 2nd August into Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, SPGS, SA.

On 16th June the first DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) broadcast is made during the Radio Communications Conference (WRC) of the International Union of telecommunications in Geneva, Switzerland.

In November the partnership between Toshiba, NEC, Sanyo, Microsoft and Intel brings out the prototype of the HD-DVD, a competitor to Blu-Ray, operating with 15-30GB discs and having an HDTV (high definition television) recording system.
2004 2004 Highlights see more
2004 Highlights Reorganization of state media, with the creation of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, SGPS, a holding which unites RDP and RTP, this complete restructuring includes new headquarters, new installations and services in Lisbon, as well as a number of regional delegations.

On 31st March, Rádio e Televisão de Portugal move into a new headquarters, on Avenida Marechal Gomes da Costa.

RTPN, RTP`s first thematic channel for cable TV, appears and starts broadcasting on 31st May.

On 4th October, RTP begins experimental broadcasting of RTP Memória, their second cable TV thematic channel, regular broadcasts starts on 6th December.

RTP International passes their entire distribution system to digital satellite .
2005 2005 Highlights see more
2005 Highlights In May, communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Commitee of Regions on accelerating the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting.
In which communal and political objectives are outlined and the proposal is made that by 2012, the project is completed.
2006 2006 Highlights see more
2006 Highlights Creation of Ombudsman for public radio and TV services, under law nº 2/2006 of 14th February.

On 16th May, RDP launches a new digital format radio station, Rádio Mozart.

In September, RTP Mobile broadcasts begin.

ERC, the Communications and Social Regulatory Body, is started (created under law nº 53/2005 of 8th November) with the responsibility of regulating and supervising all companies with communications and social activities in Portugal.

May/June 2006, the Regional Radio Communications Conference (RRC-06), organized by UIT, takes place. A plan for international frequencies, for terrestrial digital transmissions, is laid and the switchover period defined. Analogue stations have the right to protection until 2015.
2007 2007 Highlights see more
2007 Highlights Restructuring of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, SPGS, under law nº 8/2007 of 14th February, becomes known as Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, SA.

On 7th March, new installations at RTP`s Production Center, in Avenida Marechal Gomes da Costa , are inaugurated.
2008 2008 Highlights see more
2008 Highlights In February two public biddings are launched for the rights to introduce terrestrial digital television (TDT) in Portugal.

On 3rd April, RDP launches Rádio Lusitânia, available online, and dedicated to Portuguese music, in particular national classics which has had an impact over the last 40 years.

In June, RDP creates Rádio Euro, available online, covering the Euro 2008.

From 16th to 20th October - the date is set for the proposals approval by the committee's analysis for the public competition, to introduce terrestrial digital television (TDT) in Portugal.

On 9th December, ANACOM gives PT Communicações the go-ahead to the rights to use frequencies, on a national level, for the terrestrial digital television (TDT) service, to transmit television programs with unconditional free access, using the Multiplexer A system (MUX A).
2009 2009 Highlights see more
2009 Highlights In March, opening of Madeira´s Exhibition and the RTP Virtual Museum.

In April, RDP launches a new online radio station, Rádio Haydn, dedicated to the composer.

On 29th April, start of experimental terrestrial digital television (TDT) broadcasts.

On 15th October, official opening of the Radio and Television Museum Collection.
2010 Highlights see more
Highlights RTP Ensina is an educational portal that provides audiovisual contents for students from the primary school to secondary school.
2011 see more
2011 see more
2012 see more
2012 see more
2012 see more
2014 see more
2014 see more
2015 see more
2015 see more
2016 see more
2016 see more
2016 see more
2016 Highlights see more
Highlights RTP Lab is a creative and experimental laboratory, with new forms of content production, conceived in a multi-platform logic.
2017 see more
2017 see more
On 13 May, Portugal won the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time with the song "Amar pelos dois" performed by Salvador Sobral.
Composed by Luís Figueiredo and written by Luísa Sobral.
2017 Highlights see more
Highlights Presentation of the Archives portal, on the 60 anniversary of RTP.

The portal provides public access to sound and audiovisual archives, to any citizen or institution, as established in the concession contract of the public radio and television service.
2017 Highlights see more
Highlights 25th Anniversary of RTP Internacional.
2017 Highlights see more
Highlights RTP/Azores Museum Center was inaugurated, on 4 December.
2017 Highlights see more
2018 Highlights see more
Highlights Eurovision Song Contest 2018 is hosted by RTP and EBU in Lisbon at the Altice Arena.
2018 Highlights see more
Highlights 50th anniversary of RTP 2.

On 25 December 1968, the second channel of RTP 2 was launched, also known as RTP 2, Canal 2, Segundo Programa or Segundo Canal in the documentation of the time.
2019 Highlights see more
Highlights The #EstudoEmCasa was created in a context of confinement due to Covid-19 and is aimed for students and teachers of Basic and Secondary School, as a support tool in their teaching-learning process.
2019 Highlights see more
Highlights 60th anniversary of the "Centro de Produção do Porto" (Porto Production Centre).
2019 Highlights see more
Highlights 25th Anniversary of RDP Antena 3.
2019 Highlights see more
Highlights 60th anniversary of Telejornal, the oldest news programme in Portugal.
2019 Highligths see more
Highligths 15th anniversary of RTP Memória, a thematic channel that began on 4 October 2004.
2020 Highlights see more
Highlights The #EstudoEmCasa was distinguished as the Best Digital Social Responsibility Initiative by the Portugal Digital Awards 2020.
2020 Highlights see more
Highlights RTP Palco is a digital platform dedicated to all performing arts.
2021 Highlights see more
Highlights 25th anniversary of RDP África broadcasts.
2021 Highlights see more
Highlights 80th anniversary of Antena 1 Açores.

The station was inaugurated on 28 May 1941 as Emissora Regional dos Açores, later RDP Açores and currently Antena 1 A
2021 see more
2022 see more
2022 see more
2022 see more
2022 see more
2023 see more